Our Initiatives
Environmental Policy
The AV Group supports the responsible stewardship of resources, including forest, fish and aquatic habitat, wildlife, air, land and water. Responsible stewardship, combined with a continual improvement process, makes possible sustained economic development and an improved quality of life.
In this spirit, AV Group commits to implementing and maintaining an effective environmental management program that will govern its attitude and action in environmental matters to the benefit of the environment and stakeholders..
Our company demonstrates environmental leadership through its commitment to:
Conduct its business in a responsible manner designed to protect the environment and to protect the health and safety of its employees, its customers and the public.
Assess, plan, construct and operate its manufacturing facilities and forestry operations in compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice or programs to which the Company subscribes.
Set environmental objectives and targets to continually improve environmental performance and provide the management commitment and resources necessary to achieve stated objectives.
Encourage and support research to improve its ability to protect the environment and maintain public health and safety and strive for the virtual elimination of any persistent toxic emissions from its operations.
Manage and protect its forest resources to ensure sustainable forest management consistent with all applicable regulations. Beyond, or in the absence of regulatory requirements, strive to maintain biodiversity, protect wildlife habitat and ecosystems.
Promote new technologies aimed at conserving, recycling and renewing the resources utilized.
Promote employee awareness and training in their environmental responsibilities and foster employee participation in environmental management.
Work and consult with governments and the public in the development of regulations and policies based on sound, socially acceptable, and economically achievable technologies and the analysis of environmental and health impacts.
Implement programs and procedures to prevent emergency events and minimize the consequences by ensuring effective preparedness and response.
Report regularly to the Board of Directors on its environmental status and perform audits to ensure conformance with its policies and guidelines.
Conduct forest management activities in a responsible manner by recognizing the values of aboriginal groups and stakeholders.
The Environmental Policy of the AV Group complies with that of its owners, the Aditya Birla Group.

Multi-Generational Investment
Vibrant communities with economic opportunities, and respect for diverse, accessible, and safe neighbourhoods provide employees and citizens of all ages with an enriched quality of life.